Have you ever seriously questioned Christianity?

If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people have wondered if this faith is outdated . . . irrelevant . . . maybe even harmful. But what if everything is not as it seems? What if there’s more to the story?


Questioning Christianity explores the nature and relevance of the Christian story in an accessible and compelling way. After helping you connect the Christian story to life’s deepest questions by walking through the entire Bible, Questioning Christianity offers you the chance to entertain what difference following Jesus would make to your life, closing with a long section on doubts where you are welcome to ask away at the Christian story with all of your hard questions.

Whether you are a newcomer to the Christian story looking for answers, have become disillusioned with Christianity and the church, or as a seasoned Christian you want to know how better to talk about what you believe and why, Questioning Christianity is perfect for you.


Questioning Christianity
— The Book